Yhteiset Sukujuuret – Common Roots

NOTE: Most of pages are in Finnish only. Select Suomi from the drop down menu in footer to navigate to all pages.

This site contains instructions and applications that support the use of the Genealogy site Geni. The instructions are based on the instructions registered by the Finnish Geni user community for Geni projects. The applications are implemented in a hobby by the administrator of this site.

The site’s deviation reports aim to find possible problems in the profiles attached to Geni’s Finnish community projects. Reports are updated once a couple of weeks and corrections appear on reports with a delay of about a week.

The map of your ancestors shows the birth information stored in Geni for the ancestors of the Geni profile. The application requires login to Geni and by default displays the user’s ancestral information. The starting person can be changed as well as the number of ancestors to be displayed. Incorrect or missing data can be corrected using a map.

The map of Geni’s Finnish and nearby community projects shows the numbers of project collaborators and connected profiles visually. The map is updated every few months.

Juha Mustonen
The site administrator

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